Nilang Gor

Nilang Gor is a progressive democrat who has dedicated his time, treasure and talent to improve the Berkeley community. His professional career is as a Senior Scientist in the field of infectious and genetic diseases; equally as important, he dedicates his personal time to building a healthier community for humans, animals and the environment. From attending Berkeley Council meetings, to drafting policies, to serving our unhoused neighbors as a community volunteer with Consider the Homeless, Nilang has always showed up for the Berkeley community and will continue to do so as long as he is a Berkeley community member.
As a systems thinker, Nilang is a fierce advocate for infusing a global perspective into local policy, bases recommendations in scientific fact, and centers empathy in addressing our community’s issues. For example, he has advocated for policies that integrate a One Health approach and reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with Berkeley’s consumption of goods and services.
Nilang is running for the Berkeley City Council District#5 to demonstrate what’s possible with genuinely progressive politics. Since moving to Berkeley in 2016, Nilang has demonstrated his commitment to Berkeley and a sustainable future through a variety of ways, including:
Serving as a Berkeley Homeless Commissioner, appointed by Kate Harrison, and supporting policies and programs in support of our unhoused community
Distributing food and supplies to Berkeley's unhoused community with Consider The Homeless as a long-term food delivery volunteer and volunteering with Downtown Streets Team in Hayward, San Jose and Berkeley
Advocating for policies that address Berkeley's methane emissions through a gas ban and several plant-based policies by speaking out at City Council meetings, having one-on-one meetings with Councilmembers and by mobilizing community members
Partnering with Former Councilmember Kate Harrison to launch the Plant-Powered Carbon Challenge
Raising funds for Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD) Climate Literacy programs like the U9 Climate Conference and the Elementary Plant-based Curriculum
Advocating for healthy and sustainable BUSD cafeteria meals
Founding a non-profit (Cultivate Empathy for All) to engage local people in local policy advocacy across the nation and it is now a part of national coalition called Animal Policy Alliance
Collaborating with the Guarini Center to develop the Plant-based Policy Toolkit for Local Lawmakers
Providing workshops, talks and webinars at schools, universities and organizations on Consumption-based Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories, and Plant-based Foods
Being recognized in the City of Berkeley Proclamation for Barbara Brust Day
Being recognized with a Humanity Award from Downtown Streets Team


Kate Harrison, Berkeley Councilmember & Mayoral Candidate 2024
Boona Cheema, Former Mental Health Commissioner
Marcia Poole, Berkeley Activist for Unhoused Community
Cheryl Davila, Former Berkeley Councilmember

Igor Tregub, Berkeley Councilmember

Endorsed by Cal Berkeley Democrats
Ranked #1 by Alameda Green Party

Joined MovetoAmend for Standing Up Against Corporate Money in Politics

"I enthusiastically support Nilang. He prioritizes all sentient beings and the planet we share. His work with unhoused people in Berkeley is legendary. Nilang is the compassionate and resourceful leader Berkeley needs on the Council."- Amy Halpern-Laff, Berkeley Climate & Animal Activist

"I have known Nilang for several years and am amazed by his energy and commitment to environmental justice. He is a tireless advocate for his community and will represent District 5 well on Berkeley's City Council." - Kevin Korevaar, Berkeley Student Activist

"Nilang stands up for decisions that benefit and protect our entire community, including our environment, animals, and people. He is adamantly dedicated to creating a healthier world through a holistic and integrated approach." - Gretchen Ellis, Berkeley Resident & Social Worker

"A just and compassionate future depends on our ability to address industrialized animal agriculture. I'm endorsing Nilang Gor because I know he will take bold action to tackle this urgent issue." - Almira Tanner, Berkeley Animal Rights Activist

"Nilang Gor has the vision, compassion, and tenacity necessary to lead and uplift others, including those who need it most." - Dr. Hope Ferdowsian, MD, MPH, Physician & Author

"Nilang Gor is one of the most intelligent, dedicated, empathetic, and proactive citizen activists in Berkeley. His determination and passion for solving climate, equity, food, and social justice issues is unparalleled. I could not think of a better candidate for Berkeley City Council." - Mohan Gurunathan, Silicon Valley Entrepreneur, Activist & Speaker
Inspiring Changemakers

Vivekananda, Indian Youth Icon & Revolutionary Vedantin

Barbara Brust, Berkeley Activist & Founder of Consider The Homeless

Judie Mancuso, Chair of Environmental Sustainability Committee & Council Candidate 2024, Laguna Beach

Chinmayananda, Indian Freedom Fighter & Revolutionary Vedantin

Mike Zint, Berkeley Advocate for Unhoused, Elderly and Needy Residents

Ash Kalra, California Assemblymember

Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Freedom Fighter & Founder of Nonviolent Resistance

Amy Halpern-Laff, Berkeley Climate & Animal Rights Activist

Cory Booker, U.S. Senator